Author: Bellnote Editor

Holiday Gift Baskets November 22 – December 13

Note the change of dates, one week later than last issue’s info: Once again we will be asking for donations of gift baskets for our Holiday Silent Auction. Some creative ideas from the past are holiday gift wrap, pet supplies, candles, books, games and puzzles, personal care items and various treats, to name a few. … Continue reading Holiday Gift Baskets November 22 – December 13

The Jackson Personal Care Ministry

The Jackson Personal Care Ministry —  The Jackson Personal Care Ministry will be hosting a fundraiser at the “In Good Company” Restaurant located on US 127 just north of Jefferson Road. This event takes place on Wednesday, October 7, from 4:00-9:00 pm. with a percentage of the evening meals sold going to help out The … Continue reading The Jackson Personal Care Ministry

Young Adult and Young Families Sunday & Outing

Young Adult  and Young Families Sunday & Outing – Sunday October 18th will be a special Sunday for them to connect at our church, with a group outing afterward to Meckley’s Flavor Fruit Farm.  What does “Young Adult” mean?  In this case, we mean it as roughly 18-35 and also parents with young children.  If … Continue reading Young Adult and Young Families Sunday & Outing

October JXN Community Forum

JXN Community Forums …are free and open programs to encourage dialogue about the challenging issues of our day. The series is sponsored by the Universalist Unitarian Church of East Liberty and the Jackson District Library. All forums are held at the JDL, 244 West Michigan Ave., Jackson, MI and they are usually on the third Thursdays … Continue reading October JXN Community Forum