Date(s) - 03/20/2014
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
Jackson District Library
March 20—Natural Death Care: Home Funeral and Green Burial
Merilynne Rush of Home Funeral Guide, of After Death Home Care Consulting will give an exploration of current funeral practices and alternative approaches, including legal and financial considerations.
- An overview of the history of the funeral industry (or, how we got to where we are)
- Current cultural practices and definitions
- The cost comparison between conventional and home funerals
- Legal information (understanding what is Law and what is Common Practice)
- A photo essay of one family’s home funeral, involving children
- An overview of how to care for your own dead at home
- An explanation of green Burial and where it is available, with photos
- Discussion and Q & A
Merilynne Rush is a nurse and midwife with 25 years professional experience who educates and consults about natural death care options, including home funeral and green burial.
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Forums are free and open programs to facilitate dialogue about the challenging issues of our time. All forums are held at the Jackson District Library, 244 West Michigan Avenue, Jackson, Michigan, between North Blackstone and North Jackson Streets. The JXN Community Forum series is sponsored by the Universalist Unitarian Church of East Liberty (UUCEL), and the Jackson District Library (JDL). Forums are usually on the third Thursdays of every month from 6:30–8:30 pm, in the Carnegie Auditorium, September through May, unless otherwise specified. Childcare may be available for a modest donation; call 817-0940 to RSVP for childcare. See the JXN Community Forum Facebook page for more information, or contact the library at 517-788-4087 or
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