February 2015 Worship Services

Faith IIAll Sunday Services start at 11:00 am

February Worship Theme: Faith

Feb 1 – “Radical Hope” – Lay Leader: Jon Hart
Radical Hope and the Civil Rights Movement what did it take for people in the civil rights movement to carry on? Join lay leader Jon Hart to explore the concept of radical hope, how it influenced the movement, and can inform our present social justice struggles.

Feb 8 – “Six Word Stories of Faith” – Rev. Dr. Cynthia L. Landrum, Minister
Rev. Cindy will share six words about her faith, and give you time to share yours – in six words only. How does the experience of summing things up in only a few words help or hinder the exploration of faith?

Feb 15 – “Faith and Doubt” – Rev. Dr. Cynthia L. Landrum, Minister
The relationship between faith and doubt is more complex than simply opposites.  Rev. Cindy will explore their complex connection.

Feb 22 – “Mystical Whispers” – Rev. Dr. Cynthia L. Landrum, Minister
Does something in you or outside of you whisper, “There is more” or “Love” or “Try Again” or “Trust”?  Rev. Cindy will explore the yearning for something greater, something