Monthly Theme: Promise
September 7 – Rev. Dr. Cynthia L. Landrum – Homecoming Sunday – Join us for our traditional homecoming Sunday as we call the generations and celebrate our history and our promise of the future.
September 14 – Rev. Dr. Cynthia L. Landrum – The Promise of the Future– This Sunday will take our monthly theme of “promise” and talk about the promise of the future in relationship to our living tradition and the future of the church.
September 21 – Rev. Dr. Cynthia L. Landrum – The Promise to and of Our Youth – This Sunday will take our monthly theme of “promise” and look at the promise of education, of our youth, and what we need to achieve that promise in our society. The organization America’s Promise Alliance makes five promises to the youth: Caring Adults, Safe Places, a Healthy Start, Effective Education, and Opportunities to Help Others. How are we doing as a society at fulfilling this promise?
September 28 – Jon Hart, Lay Leader – Guest Music: Dave LaRowe