September Theme: Vision
Sept 6 – “Celebrating Our Labor” – Lay Leader: Jon Hart
Sept 13 – “Homecoming, Ingathering & Blessing the Backpacks” – Rev. Dr. Cynthia L. Landrum
Join us as we start our year “rank by rank” by “calling the generations” and dedicate our religious education teachers and new religious education coordinator for the year ahead. Also in this service, all school-goers are invited to bring backpacks for a new “blessing of the backpacks.”
Sept 20 – “Wake Now My Vision” – Rev. Dr. Cynthia L. Landrum
Rev. Cindy explores this month’s theme of “vision.” What is your vision for the future?
Sept 27 – “Question Box Sunday” – Rev. Dr. Cynthia L. Landrum
September 28th is National “Ask a Stupid Question” day. Well, on September 27th, there are no stupid questions. Bring your questions about theology, church history, social justice, governance, or anything else you’ve ever wanted to ask Rev. Cindy. She’ll answer as many as she can.