“Auction Winner Sermon #2”
Mar 30 – – Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook.This is another sermon from last year auction winners, the topic will be announced on this Sunday. Watch on Facebook: https:www.facebook.com/LibertyUU
Mar 30 – – Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook.This is another sermon from last year auction winners, the topic will be announced on this Sunday. Watch on Facebook: https:www.facebook.com/LibertyUU
Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook. Watch on Facebook: https:www.facebook.com/LibertyUU
Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook. Watch on Facebook: https:www.facebook.com/LibertyUU
Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook. Watch on Facebook: https:www.facebook.com/LibertyUU
Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook. It’s that time of year again for the Sermon on the Amount! Watch on Facebook: https:www.facebook.com/LibertyUU
Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook.UUCEL Board and Committee Chairs. Watch on Facebook: https:www.facebook.com/LibertyUU
The original planned speaker, Brian Alvarez, couldn’t make it this Sunday, so I’ve worked up a homily with his input and I’ll be speaking instead. The subject is “Inclusivity in Hip-Hop”. We’ll be talking about the historical origins of hip-hop culture and how inclusivity is an inextricable part of it. Masks are optional. In person … Continue reading Church is Canceled for Feb 16
Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook.Auction Winner! Topic TBA. Watch on Facebook: https:www.facebook.com/LibertyUU
Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook.Jim Scott a Nationally-known Musician and Activist for Peace and the Earth. We will celebrate the earth with Jim’s original songs, readings and personal reflections on Mother Earth or “Gaia” being one living organism. Watch on Facebook: https:www.facebook.com/LibertyUU
Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook. Fairy tales are just for kids, right? Maybe, maybe not. Let’s have some fun in this intergenerational service while we take a deeper look into fairy tales and what they can teach us. Watch on Facebook: https:www.facebook.com/LibertyUU