Archives: Services
“The Signal and Noise” — VIDEO
In our lives we are bombarded with TV, and social media. Outrage and concern are coming from so many directions. With so much going on in the world right now how can we pay attention to what is important?
“The Invisible Barrier” — VIDEO
Our Unitarian ancestors tended to be highly educated upper middle class or wealthy people. Our Universalist ancestors tended to be farmers and residents of rural areas. How and why do we struggle over class in Unitarian Universalism today?
“Two Battles: Remembering African American Veterans” — VIDEO
When we think of Veterans who do we remember? When we remember wars who do we pay attention to? Join us as we explore the experiences of African American Veterans.
“Blessings of Gratitude” — VIDEO
This is a participatory service, inviting congregants to share what we are grateful for.
“Outlawing Jellybeans and Other Injustices” — VIDEO
Adapted from a service by Rev. Erika Hewitt. What happens when a leader starts to restrict people’s rights? Join us for a liturgical drama with parts played by many members of the congregation. Try out your Halloween Costumes by wearing them this morning!
“Disability” — VIDEO
Presentation for National Disability Employment Awareness Month disAbility Connections
“Our Home” -VIDEO
How do we claim our home while also being aware of a challenging history? As we reflect on Columbus Day how do we remember the people who first claimed this land and how do we move forward?
“The Gift of Receiving” — VIDEO
We belong to many communities. So many of us offer so much. Is there value in learning to receive?
“Misjudging Martha” — VIDEO
Our history shapes who we are as a community. It tells us stories about what we value. Our history offers us insights into who we might become. What happens if there is another way to look at the stories that shape us?