“Recount Our Blessings” — VIDEO
On her penultimate Sunday with us, Rev. Cindy recounts her blessings at East Liberty, and the blessings that the congregation holds for all of us.
On her penultimate Sunday with us, Rev. Cindy recounts her blessings at East Liberty, and the blessings that the congregation holds for all of us.
Bring a flower to share as we celebrate our flower communion and honor those who died in active military service.
Bring a poem you have written or a favorite poem as we celebrate the poetic.
Throughout American history, mothers have often been leaders of activist movements, from Mother Jones to Moms Against Gun Violence. This service will celebrate this history of moms’ leadership.
Rev. Cindy explores this month’s theme in a service that plays with the idea of creativity.
Our country is fond of oversimplifying the issue of immigration, boiling it down to simply, “they’re illegal—they should be sent back.” The reality of the lives of immigrant peoples is much more complex, as are the solutions to the country’s immigration questions. This service will include a special collection for refugee youth.
Join us for a celebration of our earth led by our children and youth. This year’s Earth Day theme is plastic, and our RE program will examine ways we can cut our uses of it.
Rev. Cindy examines this month’s theme of “emergence.” What this service will be about will, well, emerge. Join us for a flag raising ceremony after the service!
Alan and Prisca Gamble; with Lay Leader, Ann Green. Come hear Alan and Prisca speak about the Introduction to the Bahai Faith.
Easter falls this year just a few days before the 50th anniversary of the death of Martin Luther King, Jr. When an extraordinary leader is killed before their work was finished, how does a movement carry on? Join us for an egg hunt after the service!