“Baha’i Faith”
Alan of the Gandhi-King Community is speaking about the Baha’i Faith. With Lay Leader: Ann Green.
Alan of the Gandhi-King Community is speaking about the Baha’i Faith. With Lay Leader: Ann Green.
Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. weekend — Our theme for January is “Intention.” In anti-racism work these days, there is a lot of talk about “intention vs. impact,” with the saying that “impact is greater than intent,” meaning that how an action impacts someone is more important to pay intention to than what the intent was, … Continue reading “Intention and Impact” — VIDEO
Some say religion is best understood as a bunch of people in a room having a conversation. What does it mean to go from stepping into the room to actually joining the conversation? Today’s service will include an ingathering ceremony where we will welcome new members to our beloved community.
On this day you are invited to bring with you to church and talk about your Favorite Things. It can be almost anything from rocks to books and most anything in between.
One moment, one question, can flip a story on its head and change our entire understanding of who we are and where we are going. How can we learn to flip the story ourselves? And what new possibilities open up when we do?
“Candlelight Christmas Eve” — Our morning service held children’s stories and a more boisterous atmosphere. If a more solemn Christmas Eve service is your ideal, join us in the evening for our candlelight service. This service will again tell the gospel story and sing traditional hymns, but without some of the child-centered elements of stories, and … Continue reading Christmas Eve Service — VIDEO
“Christmas Eve in the Morning! 11:00 a.m.” — Join us for Christmas Eve in the morning! This service will be our traditional intergenerational Christmas Eve service with gospel readings and hymns, and will include children’s stories and small gifts bags for the children and a piñata after the service. Despite the daylight, we’ll still light … Continue reading “Christmas Eve Services at 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. ” — VIDEO, Morning Service
At times our hope dwindles, and stories of hope can inspire our flickering flame of hope to grow again. This service will share stories that grow hope. Bring your own story of something that gave you hope in the darkness.