Archives: Services

“Joy” (Video available)

Anne Morrow Lindbergh writes, “For happiness one needs security, but joy can spring like a flower even from the cliffs of despair.” Rev. Cindy will explore the topic of Joy, which was the topic chosen by a member for the auction sermon Rev. Cindy offered at last year’s auction. For a video of this sermon … Continue reading “Joy” (Video available)

“Family Ancestors, Spiritual Ancestors”

Lynne Loftis and Diana Agy & Worship Associate: Ann Green ~ Lynne Loftis, former Executive Director of Ella Sharp Museum, and Diana Agy, Maher Endowed Chair for Regional History at Jackson College, share their findings about pioneers of Liberty Township that they and their students have been researching. These are the people who founded our … Continue reading “Family Ancestors, Spiritual Ancestors”