Archives: Services

The service tomorrow March 12 is CANCELED, due to no power to the building

– Victor Marshall & Worship Associate: Tom Pepper Science is all about observing events, collecting data and making predictions about what will occur in the future. It is not about beliefs or politics. It’s just about data, which he will be sharing. Bio: Victor Marshall taught science for 40 years, starting at Ball State University … Continue reading The service tomorrow March 12 is CANCELED, due to no power to the building

Reading: Pleasure and Punishment

– Heather Albee-Scott & Worship Associate: Gratia Karmes Reading is something so many of us do without even thinking about its value. A few of us even read for pleasure! What if reading were a struggle for you? How would that impact your life? A bill recently signed in Michigan will not allow third graders … Continue reading Reading: Pleasure and Punishment

“Poetry Sunday”

– This annual service celebrates poetry by asking parishioners to share a poem they have written or one they have loved or enjoyed, that is relevant to our times or for all ages. This service features Deb Davies reading her own work. She has taught creative writing for many years, at Jackson College and other venues, and has … Continue reading “Poetry Sunday”

“Pondering the Prophetic”

– Julie Brock, & Worship Associate: Anita Pepper Ms. Brock has been the consulting minister of the UU Church of Brighton. She was raised in the First UU Church of Detroit and has completed her internship at the First Unitarian Society of Madison. Her advisor is the Rev. Cindy Landrum. — Unitarian Universalists make free use of the … Continue reading “Pondering the Prophetic”

“The Integrity of the In-Between”

– Rev. Sean Dennison, & Worship Associate: Kerry Hart Rev. Dennison has served congregations in Stockton, CA; Salt Lake City, UT; San Luis Obispo, CA; and McHenry, IL. He considers his active social media presence a part of his ministry, including posting daily prayers on Twitter and Face-book since 2011. –Rev. Dennison reflects on identity by telling us … Continue reading “The Integrity of the In-Between”

“Dancing with Dementia”

– Rev. Leonetta Bugleisi, & Worship Associate Tom Pepper Rev. Bugleisi has served UU congregations in Mankato, MN; St. Louis, MO; Chicago, IL; Rochester, MI; Brighton, MI and most recently has been called to be the 3/4 minister at Universalist Unitarian Church of Farmington, MI. –Statistics show dementia on the rise at incredible rates. The Rev. Leonetta … Continue reading “Dancing with Dementia”