Values and Democracy
As we approach Election Day, Rev. Cindy will talk about our religious values and how they inform our vote and our understanding of democracy.
As we approach Election Day, Rev. Cindy will talk about our religious values and how they inform our vote and our understanding of democracy.
On this day will be another very special intergeneration service as we worship outside, walking through our cemeteries and learning about our ancestors, followed by a Halloween party at social hour!
Rev. Cindy will look at this month’s theme of “Healing” with a special focus on healing from trauma.
This fall marked the 50th anniversary of the premiere of Star Trek. Gene Roddenberry, the creator of Star Trek, was a humanist, as are many of our members. We’ll explore how humanism influenced Star Trek and how Star Trek and its humanism speak to us.
Bring your pet or farm animal or a picture of it for our Blessing of the Animals service celebrating St. Francis Day. We trust you to know if your pet can handle coming to worship, but will have plenty of paper towels on hand, because accidents do happen!
Our theme this month is on “covenant,” but covenants get broken all the time. What do you do when a covenant has been broken? This service will explore some answers.
Our faith is not a creedal faith; it is a covenantal faith. UU minister Thom Belote writes, “I think that sometimes we stress the fact that we are not a creedal faith a lot more than we stress that we are a covenantal faith. We emphasize the creeds we are not asked to recite … Continue reading “Covenantal Faith”
Rev. Dr. Cynthia L. Landrum – Our annual homecoming service includes a “calling of the generations” and the retelling of our church’s history. This service will also include a honoring of the fifteenth anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy.
We will share our labors in the classroom, in the field, in the office, at home or on the road. And how those labors have enriched our lives. Bring your stories of work and its struggles and successes as we honor Labor Day.