Join us as we recognize transitions and honor volunteers. Bring about sixty of something simple to pay thanks to all those who help make our congregation strong. Your item of thanks can be a penny, a matchbook, a stone, a swatch of cloth, a clothespin… or go a little more elaborate and fold cranes or … Continue reading Wheel of the Year & Simple Gifts
Join us for our annual flower communion service! Bring a flower to represent the diversity of humanity, and leave with another flower in your care.
Our small church brings many blessings into the world. Rev. Cindy will explore small blessings and acts of kindness this week.
May is National Foster Care Month. What role can we all play in fostering blessings in the lives of children and youth in foster care?
For Mother’s Day, Rev. Cindy turns her thoughts to our children, the world we want to create for them, and the role of our church in bringing about that world.
The focus of the day is on communication and the message/sermon is: Would you Rather…
An exploration of this month’s theme of creation.
This service will explore how climate change is related to other justice issues, such as race and class.