Archives: Services

“Children of the Same God: Remembering our unity in a time of division.”

Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook.Rev. Alice Diebel will examine the Christian Nationalist times we live in and remind us that we have much to learn from our early Unitarian history about people of different faiths who lived together in peace and mutual support.  Watch on Facebook:            

“Yom Kippur”

Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook.Rev. Dan will explore the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur and its relevance to our lives today. Also today we will be having a New Member Ceremony. Watch on Facebook:            

“Ingathering and Water Communion”

Masks are optional. In person or live on Zoom.Please join us for our annual Water Communion service. This year, we will be holding a joint service with the UU Fellowship of Poughkeepsie. Our friends from Poughkeepsie will be joining us via Zoom, and they will be contributing to the service as well. This is the … Continue reading “Ingathering and Water Communion”

“To Be Announced”

Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook.Cecily will lead a shortened service with a potluck immediately after 11:30. Please, bring a dish to share.  Drinks are provided. There is no sign-up list. See Gretchen Marshall with questions Watch on Facebook: