“Poetry Sunday”
This annual event is a participation service. Please send a poem you would like to have read in the service to the church email: uuliberty@gmail.com by January 17th and it will be presented as your contribution.
This annual event is a participation service. Please send a poem you would like to have read in the service to the church email: uuliberty@gmail.com by January 17th and it will be presented as your contribution.
The History of the AWARE shelter in Jackson. Intergenerational – Special Collection for AWARE
Everyone is welcome to bring a poem to share in this Intergenerational Service with a Special Collection that will be taken.
Dec 23 – “How Our UU Church Has Celebrated Christmas” with Choir sing
One of the UU sources we draw from is “Wisdom from the world’s religions which inspire us in our ethical and spiritual life.” In this service we will reflect on Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting, and Eid al-Fitr, the religious holiday that marks the end of Ramadan.
Bring a poem you have written or a favorite poem as we celebrate the poetic.
On this day will be another very special intergeneration service as we worship outside, walking through our cemeteries and learning about our ancestors, followed by a Halloween party at social hour!