“Auction Winner Sermon #2”
Mar 30 – – Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook.This is another sermon from last year auction winners, the topic will be announced on this Sunday. Watch on Facebook: https:www.facebook.com/LibertyUU
Mar 30 – – Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook.This is another sermon from last year auction winners, the topic will be announced on this Sunday. Watch on Facebook: https:www.facebook.com/LibertyUU
Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook. It’s that time of year again for the Sermon on the Amount! Watch on Facebook: https:www.facebook.com/LibertyUU
Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook.Auction Winner! Topic TBA. Watch on Facebook: https:www.facebook.com/LibertyUU
Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook. Fairy tales are just for kids, right? Maybe, maybe not. Let’s have some fun in this intergenerational service while we take a deeper look into fairy tales and what they can teach us. Watch on Facebook: https:www.facebook.com/LibertyUU
Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook. People often talk about Karma as if it were some kind of a mysterious reward and punishment system, but do we really know what Karma is? Join us as Rev. Dan explores this fascinating topic! Watch on Facebook: https:www.facebook.com/LibertyUU
Masks are optional. Join us for our traditional in-person, family-friendly Christmas Eve service. The service will also be available on Zoom (not on Facebook). Dan will be physically in Elkhart IN, linked to us in East Liberty by the miracle of technology! After the service, join us in the social hall for holiday cookies and beverages. … Continue reading “Christmas Eve Service”
Joint Thanksgiving service with the UU Fellowship of Elkhart. On Thanksgiving, we often count our blessings, enjoy family traditions and foods, watch football, and think about the Pilgrims and Native Americans feasting together in friendship, but Thanksgiving can be so much more. Come and explore gratitude from a different angle this year! Masks are optional. … Continue reading “Thanksgiving”
Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook.Tikkun Olam is a Hebrew phrase that translates to “repair the world” or “mend the world”. It’s a central concept in Judaism that refers to actions to improve the world and is synonymous with social justice and social action. How can we as UUs repair our world? … Continue reading “Tikkun Olam”
Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook.This is a joint intergenerational service with the UU Fellowship of Poughkeepsie see page 6 for the Zoom Link. We will have a short Flower Communion ceremony; please bring a flower to share Watch on Facebook: https:www.facebook.com/LibertyUU
Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook. In the Proposed Article II changes that will be voted on at GA in June, there are 6 Values that will essentially replace our current 7 Principles. One of these Values is Pluralism. What does Pluralism mean to us as UUs, and why is it important? … Continue reading “Pluralism”