“Our Home” -VIDEO
How do we claim our home while also being aware of a challenging history? As we reflect on Columbus Day how do we remember the people who first claimed this land and how do we move forward?
How do we claim our home while also being aware of a challenging history? As we reflect on Columbus Day how do we remember the people who first claimed this land and how do we move forward?
We belong to many communities. So many of us offer so much. Is there value in learning to receive?
Our history shapes who we are as a community. It tells us stories about what we value. Our history offers us insights into who we might become. What happens if there is another way to look at the stories that shape us?
Our yearly social justice theme is reproductive justice. When we boil reproductive justice down to abortion or not are we creating a false dichotomy? Join us as we explore reproductive choice from the perspective of those on the margins.
Today is our annual water communion and ingathering service. Bring a sample of water from your life and join us as we honor our connection with the history of our faith and our church.
What does it look like to welcome new voices to the table? What might we expect? How can we also embrace the unexpected? Today is Bring a Friend Sunday. Join us and bring a friend!Aug 25 – “Building the Welcome Table” – Rev. Jenn Gracen What does it look like to welcome new voices to … Continue reading “Building the Welcome Table” — VIDEO
Please bring a flower to our annual Flower Communion service. Rev. Jenn will also share some of the beauty of General Assembly.
This service has been rescheduled from May 5th. What does the life of Vincent Van Gogh have to teach us about our lives today.
Join us for this service that recognizes Volunteer, RE Teachers and Board Members and celebrates our community. We will also be welcoming new members today. ~Special Collection: Brooklyn Food Pantry. ~Annual Meeting follows.
Join us as we honor the presence of the animals in our lives. Please bring a beloved animal or picture of an animal for our altar.