“Time of New Suns”
Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook.Rev. Dan will explore the writings and thoughts of Adrienne Maree Brown. This is Ann Green’s winning auction bid for a sermon of her choice.
Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook.Rev. Dan will explore the writings and thoughts of Adrienne Maree Brown. This is Ann Green’s winning auction bid for a sermon of her choice.
Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook.This will be a shortened service, the usual sending regrets into the past with the dissolving ink and writing our intentions and wishes for the future on rocks as we socialize downstairs in the social hall with a fun meal called Hangover Helper Potluck.
Church service has been cancelled due to cold weather and hazardous driving conditions. Please have a safe and peaceful holiday! No Christmas day service either. Hope to see you next week on New Year’s Day!
Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook.Christmas isn’t the only major holiday in December! Join us as Rev. Dan explores what we can learn from this Jewish holiday.
Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook.Come one, come all! For the first time since the pandemic, we will be having a real Christmas pageant in person! There will be lots of opportunities for participation, so don’t be surprised if you are called upon to be a sheep or an angel at some … Continue reading “Christmas Pageant”
Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook.Our 4th UU Source reads, “Jewish and Christian teachings which call us to respond to God’s love by loving our neighbors as ourselves.” Rev. Dan will unpack the meaning of these words and offer ways we can integrate them into our spiritual lives.
Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook.Worship Committee will ask the question, “How have our perceptions, knowledge and actions regarding our Transgender community members changed in the last few years?”…with “Change” being the operative word. Where can we change from here as individuals, as a church and as a community?
Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook.Rev. Dan continues his series on our Six Sources, this week highlighting our First Source: The direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder, affirmed in all cultures, which moves us to a renewal of the spirit and an openness to the forces which create and uphold … Continue reading “Our 1st Source”
Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook.Change is hard, even if it is positive change. But what about change that results from difficult and unexpected events? Rev. Dan explores how even change resulting from less than ideal circumstances can still lead to positive outcomes.