“Father’s Day”
Masks optional except while singing – in person or live on FacebookLike Mother’s Day, Father’s Day can be complicated due to individual experiences. On this day, we will honor fathers of all types, biological or otherwise.
Masks optional except while singing – in person or live on FacebookLike Mother’s Day, Father’s Day can be complicated due to individual experiences. On this day, we will honor fathers of all types, biological or otherwise.
Masks optional except while singing – in person or live on FacebookAs our church year comes to a close, we will honor the many volunteers who have generously served our congregation this year, and we will also acknowledge significant milestones.
Masks optional except while singing – in person or live on FacebookCome and participate in one of our most unique UU traditions – the celebration of Flower Communion! If you are attending in-person, please bring a cut flower to contribute. If you are watching online, please email Rev. Dan a photo of a flower to … Continue reading “Flower Communion”
Masks optional except while singing – in person or live on FacebookCome and hear the inspiring and informative words of different UUCEL members as they share their various theologies and how they find meaning in the world.
Masks optional except while singing – in person or live on FacebookGuest speaker Mulucha Jay (“Jay”) is a transgender man who serves as the Executive Director of the Fem Alliance Uganda (FEMA). FEMA (femalliance.org) is an organization that brings together Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) persons in Uganda to advocate for respect and … Continue reading “LGBTQ Stories from Uganda: Tragedy and Triumph”
Masks optional except while singing – in person or live on FacebookCome enjoy a good, old-fashioned hymn sing and be entertained by some of our talented musicians!
Masks optional except while singing – in person or live on FacebookWe will celebrate the nurturing aspect of the divine feminine, and honor all those who nurture others.
Masks optional except while singing – in person or live on FacebookRev. Dan will offer insights about positive body image and the importance of self-love.
In-Person on a Modified Basis andLiveStream /On-Line seen on FacebookSilas will present ideas around Indigenous Land Justice. It is also our Earth Day Celebration.
In-Person on a Modified Basis andLiveStream /On-Line seen on FacebookThis is an intergenerational service.Given the symbolism of new life and rebirth, it was only natural to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus at this time of the year. We’ve all heard the story, but how do we make it relevant in our lives?