Archives: Services

“To Be Announced ”

Rev. Sharon Dittmar, Congregational Life Field Representative.In-Person on a Modified Basis and LiveStream /On-Line seen on FacebookThe Mid-America UUA’s ministers are providing some sermons to be shared by other congregations, especially small ones.  Today we will hear from one of those ministers via video.  Please see the Wednesday Chimes for the topic and more details. 

“Spiritual Practices”

In-Person on a Modified Basis and LiveStream /On-Line seen on FacebookA spiritual practice refers to any activity that we perform to nurture our spirit well-being. It doesn’t necessarily require a belief in God or other metaphysical concept, and everyone can benefit from developing a spiritual practice. Come and explore what a spiritual practice might look … Continue reading “Spiritual Practices”


In-Person on a Modified Basis andLiveStream /On-Line seen on FacebookOur final topic of “Widening the Circle” will focus on Ageism. Ageism can happen to young and old alike. How can we reduce the possibility that we are engaging in it, even unintentionally?


NO In-Person on a Modified Basis andLiveStream /On-Line seen on FacebookWe continue our discussion of “Widening the Circle” this week with an exploration of Ablism and Disability Justice. What does it mean to be Ableist? What kinds of issues do people with disabilities face that able-bodied people may not realize? Are we contributing to micro-aggressions … Continue reading Ablism

Reality 101: Widening Our Circle of Compassion

NO In-Person on a Modified Basis andLiveStream /On-Line seen on FacebookEco-theologian and TEDx speaker, Michael Dowd, notes, “If the word compassion means to suffer with, we’re going to have no shortage of opportunities in the coming months and years to expand our circleof compassion.” This sermon will explore 8 universal human needs and how to … Continue reading Reality 101: Widening Our Circle of Compassion