Archives: Services

“Christmas In July”

Since we could not be together for 2020 Christmas celebrations, we are going to celebrate Christmas on July 25th.  Wait for it————————yes, we have invited Santa to join our celebration.  Come prepared to be in the Christmas spirit.  Bring a wrapped white elephant gift to exchange.  We don’t have to suggest to this group how … Continue reading “Christmas In July”

“COVID Stories, Part 2”

How can you reframe your COVID story or experience, “by turning and turning, we come round right.”  Turn your COVID story or experience around and around, finding something that speaks a positive lesson or realization.  We will share our reflections on how COVID has changed our thinking, actions and hopes into something more humane and … Continue reading “COVID Stories, Part 2”

“Freedom for All – We, the People”

July 4th Service re-imagining the “All” and the “We”.  Gretchen and Jon will explore the movement to include those with disabilities in our society. Gretchen will recall UUCEL’s movement to be more inclusive.   Jon will relate how organizations can develop statements of intention about “Diversity, Equity and Inclusion”.  His organization, disAbility Connections has developed … Continue reading “Freedom for All – We, the People”

“Remaking Ourselves by Remaking Our Stories”

Sometimes we need to expand or remake stories in order to grow into who we want to be. Robert Munsch’s ‘The Paper Bag Princess’ redefines what being a princess means. James Loewen’s ‘Lies My Teacher Told Me’ expands the way many of us were taught American history. Stories like these help us define in new … Continue reading “Remaking Ourselves by Remaking Our Stories”