Archives: Services

“The Legacy of Michael Servetus”

FACEBOOK – LIVE ON-LINEThis Sunday, Rev. Dan will be looking at where we came from as a denomination by exploring the life of Michael Servetus. Servetus was burned at the stake after being branded a heretic by John Calvin. His death served as a catalyst for a call for religious tolerance in Eastern Europe, which … Continue reading “The Legacy of Michael Servetus”

“Transgender Day of Remembrance”

FACEBOOK – LIVE ON-LINEThis service is in recognition of the Transgender Day of Remembrance, or TDOR, which was first held in 1999. That initial observance was a vigil held in response to the tragic 1998 murder of Rita Hester, an outspoken transgender woman from Boston. It also commemorated all those who were killed due to … Continue reading “Transgender Day of Remembrance”

“Diwali for the Rest of Us”

FACEBOOK – LIVE ON-LINE — Diwali (also called Divali or Deepavali) is a is a festival of lights and one of the major festivals celebrated by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs and some Buddhists, notably Newar Buddhists. The festival usually lasts five days, and celebrates the triumph of light over dark and good over evil, and the … Continue reading “Diwali for the Rest of Us”

“Radical, Transformational Welcome”

FACEBOOK – LIVE ON-LINE — In today’s political climate, being a Welcoming Congregation requires more of us than simply opening our doors to LGBTQ people. We are called to the work of transformation: transformation of our selves and our awareness, transformation of our congregation and its culture, and transformation of our wider community and world. … Continue reading “Radical, Transformational Welcome”

“Reclaiming or Grieving Relationships in This Time of Division”

FACEBOOK – LIVE ON-LINE — Sara is a graduate of the Wayne State University Counseling Program, is a career educator in Ann Arbor Public Schools and has trained at the Oakland County Mediation center to become a mediator and specialist in conflict resolution. She has helped thousands of young people, parents, families, staff and community … Continue reading “Reclaiming or Grieving Relationships in This Time of Division”