“Christmas Eve”
7:00 pm by LiveSteam, access it via Facebook just like a regular services. Join us for a traditional Christmas Eve service, complete with beloved holiday songs, readings, and familiar stories.
7:00 pm by LiveSteam, access it via Facebook just like a regular services. Join us for a traditional Christmas Eve service, complete with beloved holiday songs, readings, and familiar stories.
The Winter solstice on December 21st signals the beginning of the return of the light of the sun and the promise of Spring. Though the earth still sleeps and the air is cold, we look forward to longer, warmer days and earth’s rebirth with great anticipation. Come celebrate this holiday as we welcome the coming … Continue reading “Winter Solstice”
The traditional Christmas story about the birth of Jesus can still be relevant to us in our time. Come and listen to the story of a modern-day young couple, a baby, a journey of faith, and the power of love.
Do you have the Holiday Blues? With shopping, putting up a tree, decorating one’s home, and going to family holiday events, everyone is expected to be of good cheer. Sometimes that just isn’t possible. Between Covid-19, anxiety about the election, isolation, and a host of other stressors, can we be OK with feeling blue?
Guest at Our Table is our single, yearly, UUA, nationwide fundraising program for needs of families. Listen to testimonials about how this program has helped individuals over the years. These stories will open hearts and minds to the season of giving.
Nobody likes to make mistakes, large or small, but making mistakes is part of what it means to be human. Mistakes make us feel bad. They can be embarrassing, and even humiliating, and can hurt other people’s feelings. How can we escape the guilt and shame of not reaching our visions of perfection, either in ourselves … Continue reading “How Good Do We Really Have To Be?”
This service is in recognition of the Transgender Day of Remembrance, or TDOR, which was first held in 1999. That initial observance was a vigil held in response to the tragic 1998 murder of Rita Hester, an outspoken transgender woman from Boston. It also commemorated all those who were killed due to anti-transgender violence and … Continue reading “Transgender Day of Remembrance”
What in Unitarian Universalism’s central theology requires us to work toward building multicultural, antiracist Beloved Community? Come and explore with us as we learn about a proposed 8th UU Principle that answers this question.
This service is presented on the Day of the Dead, Dia de los Muertos, which is a Mexican Celebration of the return of deceased ancestors. Our church has fond memories of our history with Dia de los Muertos through our past celebrations with Hugh Tomlinson and Jesus Castillo. We will re-visit those past times with … Continue reading “Remembering Day of the Dead and Our Ancestors”
The Wheel of the Year keeps turning as oneseason yields to the next. And as the seasonspass, we know one thing is for certain – change is inevitable. Whether we experience a major life transition such as a graduation, marriage, retirement, or death, change often leaves us feeling anxious about an unknown future. In this … Continue reading “The Wheel of Life”