This will be an Update and Progress on Global Warming ~~ There’s hope in the air!
This will be an Update and Progress on Global Warming ~~ There’s hope in the air!
Everyone has an innate need to feel accepted. When we experience the grace of acceptance, it is as if space opens up for us to live into our potential without having to live under the shadow of judgment, misunderstanding, micro-aggression, or fear. For LGBTQ people, being fully accepted (rather than just tolerated) is a critical … Continue reading “The Grace of Acceptance”
Oct 4 – Animals enrich our lives in so many ways. They are our companions, helpers, protectors, comforters, and more. We are blessed to have animals in our lives, and now it is our turn to bless them. Join us as we show our love to our furry, feathered, and scaled friends! Please email a … Continue reading “Blessing of the Animals”
With all of the troubles in the world today, the stress, the uncertainties about what the future holds, we can forget to laugh or even smile when we feel as if we are carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders. Humor is the great antidote (or anecdote?). Join us as we explore the … Continue reading “Doing the Hokey Pokey”
Considered the “Jewish New Year”, Rosh Hashanah is the beginning of the Jewish High Holy Days. This is a time of reflection, introspection for reviewing the past year, identifying ways we have harmed others, made mistakes, not lived up to our own expectations and commitments, or other ways that we have failed to live up … Continue reading “Rosh Hashanah and the Stinky Kishke”
Join us as UUCEL members share their “This I Believe” statements! This popular service is a great way to learn about the spiritual journeys of some of our members.
Each year, we look forward to coming together as a church community after our busy summer adventures. We come together to renew our relationships, to share our experiences, and to join one another in anticipation of the many exciting possibilities of the coming church year. It is, indeed, a Gathering of Spirits. Only, this year, … Continue reading “In-gathering and Water Communion”
Forgiveness is often seen as something to be sought externally from God or others for some misdeed or sin we have committed, but we rarely consider how, by forgiving others, we liberate ourselves from the hot burning coals of anger, rage, resentment, and pain that we carry inside. Come and explore how we can begin … Continue reading “Forgiveness – The Art of Letting Go”
Graceful receiving is hard. How can we receive from others without feeling guilty, embarrassed, or obligated? What can we receive from each other and this congregation?
As UU’s, we describe ourselves as belonging to a “covenantal community.” Have you ever thought about what that means or where our covenant comes from? Join us as we consider the powerful impact of intentional covenant by looking back into our own UU history to the Deadham, MA congregation in 1637. What can we learn … Continue reading “The Ties That Bind”