Archives: Services
“Public Giving”
Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook.Monica and Gretchen will lead a service about Public Giving thoughts for the season of giving. Watch on Facebook:
“UUCEL History”
Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook.Ann will lead a service about our UUCEL History. Watch on Facebook:
“Intergenerational Christmas Pageant”
Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook.Come one, come all to this year’s Christmas Pageant! We’ll have lots of opportunities for young andold to participate. Wake up your closet thespian and join the fun! Watch on Facebook:
“Grateful for Gifts”
Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook.First Day of Indian Heritage Month – Shortened service with “Grateful for Gifts” followed by a Potluck Dinner at 11:30. Please, bring a passing dish.
Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook.Joint Worship Service with the UU Fellowship of Poughkeepsie.
“I’m Growing Through Something”
Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook.What science and spirituality can offer on how to deal with trauma.
“Patience: A Virtue or a Sin?”
Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook.
“History of UUCEL”
Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook.Ann will present her video about the “History of the Universalist. Unitarian Church of East Liberty”Period costumes from 1859, our founding year, and Halloween costumes are encouraged. Watch on Facebook:
“AWARE Shelter”
Masks are optional. In person or live on Facebook.Ann will present her original short readers’ play, “The History of the AWARE Shelter”, a shelter for victims of domestic abuse in Jackson. Watch on Facebook: